Monday 21 September 2009

England v Belarus on Wednesday 14th October

The Final Home game of the Qualifying Campaign. 8 out of 8???

Pick up locations and timings

Birkenhead Conway Street 09.00.
Liverpool Empire (Lime Street) 0915
Liverpool Jolly Miller / Rocket Approx 09.30
Burtonwood services on M62 heading towards Manchester approx 09.50
Manchester outside Deansgate Train Station. Approx 10.15
Sandbach/Knutsford services approx 10.45
Crewe approx 11.00

As usual there will be a bar on board (lager, cider & bitter). As usual there will be the compilation CD's which are either a great sing-along or a load of old rubbish, depending on how old you are. I always tell people to make their own compilations if they don’t like what we have.
We will be heading to the Torch pub, which is the nearest Wembley. We will be heading back shortly after the game. To book your seat, send a cheque or postal order to the address below.

Robert Taubman. 38 Abbeyfield Drive, Croxteth Park, Liverpool 12, L12 0JP.

Alternatively, to save the bother and the cost of postage, you can pay by Pay pal, sending it to the email address below. Please note that Paypal charge a commission of 20p plus 4%, which on £22.50 is £1. Anyone paying by Paypal therefore please send £23.50 per seat. If you are not on PAYPAL but you have a credit card, I can 'invoice' you by sending a PAYPAL bill to your email address, which you pay using your credit card. It's easy!!


My mobile number is 07961 975640

Sunday 14 June 2009

Kazakhsan Tenge

I'm organising a collection of the Tenge they we returned home with after our recent trip. I will collect both notes and coins.

If you would like to donate them, please send me an e-mail and I will advise you of the address to send them to. My e-mail address is

I am currently waiting for some information from Kazakhstan, but I am looking at 2 options, the British Embassy were working with an orphanage while we were in Almaty, also the match announcer advised about a cancer charity several times during and after the game.

So come on get the Tenge out of your travel bag and into an envelope and do some good with them.



Wednesday 20 May 2009

Minutes of NWEnglandfans meeting 14.05.2009

Adele Bolderson - The F.A/Englandfans
Tony Conniford - Assistant Director UK Football Policing Unit
Bob Sopel - Managing Director, Ukraine Travel
Anne-Marie Mockridge - Football Supporters' Federation

Pete Nicholas opened the meeting by welcoming everyone and introducing the guest speakers who each gave a brief outline of their role. The forum was also expecting a representative from the Anglo-Kazakhstan Society but unfortunately they didn’t turn up.
Pete explained that Anne-Marie was standing in for Kevin Miles who was currently in Rome attending meetings regarding the Champions League Final.

There had been a list of questions submitted prior to the meeting and these were grouped for each speaker, and questions were also taken from the floor

- There has been a total of 1,200 tickets taken up for the game in Almaty, and explained that there is a reserve list for tickets if people have decided to go on the last minute or people have had to drop out and returned their ticket.
- There will be the same type of reserve list for Amsterdam. For this game a total of 6,500 tickets were taken from the given the number of fans who registered interest. Adele stated at present all tickets have been taken up but people could drop out nearer the time and return tickets so if you haven’t got a ticket it’s advisable to get your name on the reserve list a.s.a.p
- Asked why fans had to pick tickets up in Almaty Adele explained there were several reasons - It was originally done in Estonia and the feedback was positive from England fans and also the Kazakhstan authorities have not yet issued the FA with tickets for the game so rather than sending tickets out late to fans and them getting delivered after they have departed for the game it is the best way to ensure everyone gets their ticket. Plus it will also save sending in Proof of Travel details
- The Englandfans base for collecting tickets will be the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Almaty, which is close to the stadium. They will be operating on the Friday from 11am-5p.m. and on Saturday 11am-6pm. Kick-off is 9pm

- has recently returned from the Recce with the authorities and covered a wide-range of issues:
- Policing - a similar situation to Belarus. He stated that everyone wants this to be a success and the Kazakhstan authorities won’t want to make it difficult for the visiting fans. They all love football but there is an element of fear due to the fact that the Kazakhstani media insist on showing clips of marauding English fans from the 1970’s! He also stated that the police are fearful that you could be accosted by unscrupulous police officers demanding to see your paperwork and then demanding money from you for the return of documents. Tony stated if this does happen the best thing to do is keep calm and stay firm, ask the officer for his details i.e. name and number and say you are going to ring the British Embassy for advice. If the officer is genuine he won’t mind giving you details but if it is a scam then the officer will back off at the thought of being reported.
- Policing will be high visibility with approximately 1,500 police officers on duty for the game both inside and outside the stadium and also army conscripts to reinforce security. He said this is nothing to be alarmed at, it is just the way the country is policed and you should be OK if you do not draw attention to yourself by acting in an inappropriate manner i.e. drunk and abusive.
- Tony said the authorities are working towards making Kazakhstan a tourist venue so will be tolerable of groups of fans drinking and enjoying themselves but he stated that they are not used to people drinking in the streets and so long as you respect the country and it’s people you should be fine. If you are causing a disturbance you could be issued with a fine
- Flags - As with other eastern European countries it is an infringement of Kazakhstan law to display flags other than their own country’s flags on military and public service buildings. You will only be allowed to hang flags in the stadium. You will be taking a risk if you chose to ignore this advice and the consequences are likely to have your flag confiscated and you be fined or arrested.
- Questions were asked about the prices of alcohol and food and Tony stated that it isn’t cheap! During his visit the cheapest local beer was around £3.50 whilst imported beers could cost around £7, even more expensive if you are buying in hotels. However he did state that it is possible to buy a litre of local beer much cheaper in the supermarkets… but the supermarkets are not that easy to find! If you do manage to find one there is nothing to stop you buying alcohol there and then, say, going into the local parks and drinking, again though, so long as you are not causing a disturbance to others.
- Arrival at the airport - expect delays as they ask an awful lot of questions. He also stated that, as with Russia and Belarus, do not loose your migration card (literally a flimsy piece of paper) or you will have problems when you try to leave the country.
- This was not mentioned at the forum but worth bearing in mind: On your migration card it will ask you to give details of the inviting party - if you are staying in a hotel put the name of the hotel, if you are doing a day trip put the Kazakhstan FA and where asked your purpose of visit put tourism/football. The squares in top corner of the migration card are to put your passport number although this is not stated on the form!
- The visa offices are open when flights arrive but if several flights arrive at once you may well be in for a lengthy wait - even in the early hours of the morning.
- He did say that the minute you get into the arrival hall you will be swarmed by locals offering cheap rides to your hotels. He advised to avoid these at all costs as they usually scam tourists. He advised that you travel in groups and preferably arrange with your hotel to have a car waiting for you on your arrival or to take an official taxi which has a black/white chequered band on the doors.
- Language - The official language is Kazakh and Russian is also used. Most people will use a smattering or no English. With this in mind Anne-Marie stated that it’s worth asking your hotel to email their name and address in Kazakh/Russian and take this with you to show taxi drivers on arrival. Also worth having on you is a copy of the Cyrillic alphabet (a copy will be available in the Free Lions and on their website)
- Tony did say that many of the streets haven’t any signage and the stadium isn’t well signed so it has been requested that on the day of the game signs around the stadium are in English. England fans will be in the South stand of the stadium. The game is sold out and the Kazakhstan supporters have paid between £50 / £100 for their tickets.
- Extra toilet facilities and refreshment stalls will be bought in for the game as these are currently extremely limited. Tony did say it was an old stadium but it is clean, tidy and well maintained.
- As regarding sights there isn’t very much to see, a few monuments, parks and museums but nothing much else. If you have time it is worth getting the cable car up the mountains for amazing views of the city.
- Walking is the best way to get around the city, there is no city centre as such but most of the main hotels are within a 25 minute walk from the stadium, or if you are feeling totally lazy you could get a taxi!
- Food - Horsemeat is a staple food and although he personally didn’t eat it, Tony said that those who did said it tasted very much like beef. He did say he didn’t see many vegetables being served with food, so it could be you’ll have to forgo your 5-a-day whilst there!
- Finally, but extremely important, Tony said that although the people are very welcoming they will not find references to Borat or speaking in a fashion as in the film will be extremely insulting to them. They certainly won’t find it funny. He stressed that if you take nothing else on board, please, please take heed of this advice.

- Bob explained that he set up his travel business in the early 90s and in that time has seen great improvements in how the country has moved on. The country is geographically the centre of Europe but leans more to the west due to the Russian dictatorship many years ago, but they are now trying to find their own identity.
- As with Tony, Bob ran through a large range of items starting with alcohol. He said it is almost compulsory to drink alcohol in the Ukraine, stating the only difference between a wedding and a funeral is one less body!
- As the venue for the game has not yet been announced Bob said it would be difficult to give details of the various venues but assumed that most fans would base themselves in Kiev and make alternative arrangements to travel to another venue should the game be played elsewhere. The good news is you don’t need a visa.
- Bob stated that English is well-spoken in Ukraine especially by the younger residents due to the influence of films and music.
- From Kiev airport to the centre - by taxi it should take approx 40 mins and cost 20-25 UAH (Ukraine Hrivnia) and a bus will cost 3 UAH. There are regular buses into the city centre. You should have no language problems with taxi drivers, most speak good, basic English.
- Food in Kiev - you won’t starve! There are 9 McDonalds and everything from 5* restaurants right down to street vendors and everything in between
- No shortage of bars and nightclubs in the city
- Bob said the temperature in Oct in Kiev is mainly like our autumn weather but with less rain. The really cold weather doesn’t start until Dec.
- Policing in the stadiums - Bob has in the past attended a game in Kiev with Man United and the organisation was phenomenal - he’d never seen a game so organised and he expects the same for the England game. He stated that Ukraine & Poland are hosting the 2012 European Championship Finals and this game will be looked on as a dummy run for the forthcoming tournament and they won’t want anything to go wrong.
- He stated that the national stadium in Kiev had an original capacity of 105,000 but this had now been reduced to around 80,000. He said even though the stadium was currently being renovated, games were still getting played there with reduced capacities i.e. certain stands were closed where work was taking place, and was hoping this will be the case for the England game and it will be played in Kiev.
- For those who have never been to Kiev before, Bob stated that it’s on a par with the likes of Prague, Budapest etc - it is relatively safe but as with anywhere else, common sense prevails.
- Discussing various other locations where the game may be played, Lviv has an excellent hotel structure in that they are all within a cluster in the centre and most major tourist sites are close by.
- Dnepropetrovsk (DNK) is an 8-10hr train journey from Kiev. When asked why the journey takes so long Bob stated that trains will stop at almost all stations on route, he did say you can also fly from Kiev to this venue but it would be expensive and advised to get the overnight train instead and save some cash by not having to pay hotel costs. Flights are in the region of £140 return from Kiev.
- When asked why Austrian Airlines are the only company to fly direct to Dnepropetrovsk Bob said that the airline has had the market for such a long time and are prepared to take smaller aircraft in. DNK won’t take jumbos but will accommodate 737’s. When asked why Thompson (official England Travel) weren’t flying there Bob said it could be that they weren’t given permission due to the type of transport being used. Donetsk is the main hub for air travel within the Ukraine.
- Bob is looking at doing a day trip and a 2-day or a weekend trip for the game, and gave an estimation of approx £350 for the one-day trip and possibly £400 for the 2-day trip, (these prices estimated on departures from Manchester), but costs for this could change depending on the type of accommodation secured and to bear in mind these are only estimates. He said hotels in the centre of Kiev are around £80 per room per night but could rise higher depending on the standard of the room. He will confirm prices nearer the time and when the venue has been announced. If you are interested or have a particular question for bob you can email him at
- When asked why the venue still hasn’t been announced Anne-Marie stated that in theory the host nation do not have to announce a venue until 60 days before the game and Adele agreed but stated that the FA were hoping to hear before the end of June. Bob said it could also be a tactical move - depending on the Ukraine v Croatia result will dictate the position in the table, and if Ukraine end up going 2nd, they will obviously be looking at playing the game at a large venue than if they finish 3rd and unlikely to qualify, then the game would have no interest for Ukraine fans and the game would likely be played at a smaller venue.
- If the game doesn’t go ahead in national Stadium in Kiev Bob said there are other possible smaller venues within Kiev with capacities of around 30,000 that could stage the game. Anne-Marie stated that any stadium would have to pass strict criteria from FIFA beforehand i.e. sufficient toilet facilities, catering, security etc
- Bob went on to discuss the declaration forms you have to fill in on arrival at the airport, he stated that it is just a formality from olden days when goods were being purchased cheaply and taken out of the country, but still continues today.
- Anne-Marie suggested that you declare any expensive camera or computer equipment for Kazakhstan and Ukraine rather than have the possibility of getting stopped at customs.
- When asked about the currency, Bob stated that Ukraine has their own currency - the Hrivnia (UAH) but in large tourist areas there are some places that take the Euro. He suggests Sterling is better than Dollars to exchange but warned that you could have problems changing travellers’ cheques as the banks are not used to dealing with them.
- He did suggest that £5 is the smallest note we have in our currency so it is worth getting a few $1 notes which are handy for tipping.
- Asked about crossing the border from Moldova to Ukraine, Bob suggested being cautious as there could be problems i.e. there have been problems with people getting robbed when crossing.
- Driving in the Ukraine - There are many major companies at the airports with competitive rates. Road links are good and Bob said if you’re based in Kiev and the game is, for instance in Dnepropetrovsk, you are more likely to arrive back in Kiev at least 2 hrs before the trains

- Blazakhstan - Rob Taubman is arranging an overnight trip to Blackpool for anyone who is not going to Kazakhstan for the game. Watch the match in a pub and then a night on the town. Details are on the NWEnglandfans blog.
- Travel to Wembley - Rob also has availability on coaches to Wembley games. Again, his details are on the blog if you want to contact him
- Blog -
- Election for a representative at meetings for WC2010. Pete thanked Lindsay England for attending the meetings prior to Euro 2008 Finals and said there was 1 application already for the current round of WC meetings. If you are interested in attending the meetings please contact Pete through the blog, the loop or by email You will be required to attend regular meetings, take minutes and report back to the group through the loop.

Meeting ended 9:40
Minutes by A-M Mockridge

Wednesday 15 April 2009

Our Next Meeting.

Our next meeting, will take place on Thursday 14th May, and will take place at The Waldorf Pub in Central Manchester, start time will be 19.30 Hrs

Confirmed guests are
Adele Bolderson. The F.A./Englandfans This will be Adele's first visit upto the North West, many of us will have met her whilst signing
in at the away games.
Tony Conniford. Assistant Director UK Football Policing Unit.
Bob Sopel. A Travel Counsellor from Ukraine Travel, who has organised trips for British clubs playing European games in the Ukraine.
He has also told me the game has been officially announced as being played in Dnipropetrovs'k. More news on this in the next week or so.
Meyer Sheraliyev. Anglo-Kazakhstan Society
Kevin Miles from the F.S.F.

Several of our guests will have visited Almaty prior to the meeting, so any questions you have please let me know.
Bob will be able to give us some back ground on what to expect in the Ukraine.
Do we have any questions about Wembley, now we have been back for a few years, how about tickets prices?
Are we happy with the EF Forum?
Update on coach travel to home games, and about an alternative trip to watch the game in Almaty, in the special
location that is Blackpool :-)
Things are beginning to look promising for a visit to South Africa next year, so we also need to elect someone to attend meetings
on behalf of our group.

It been a long time since our last meeting, so please try to come along and lets also try to make it a bit of a social event.

Saturday 24 January 2009

Kazakhstan Visa Information.

Please see below link to The F.S.F website, they have been in contact with the Kazakhstan Embassy and made available details that should assist with filling in the visa application.

If any one has any further questions, let me know, hope to see you in Almaty or Astana.

Coach to the next 2 home games.

We have 2 fixtures in one week coming up. I suspect that a lot of people may pick and choose which of them they go to, although the usual suspects will be there for both.
Please let me know which games you are up for as soon as possible so I can make the arrangements.

England v Slovakia on Saturday 28th March, KO 1715.
Pick up locations and timingsBirkenhead Conway Street 07.00.Liverpool Empire (Lime Street) 0715Liverpool Jolly Miller / Rocket Approx 07.30Burtonwood services on M62 heading towards Manchester approx 07.50Manchester outside Deansgate Train Station. Approx 8.15
Sandbach/Knutsford services approx 9.00

England v Ukraine on Wednesday 1st April, KO 2000.
Pick up locations and timingsBirkenhead Conway Street 09.00.Liverpool Empire (Lime Street) 0915Liverpool Jolly Miller / Rocket Approx 09.30Burtonwood services on M62 heading towards Manchester approx 09.50Manchester outside Deansgate Train Station. Approx 10 .15
Sandbach/Knutsford services approx 11.00

As usual there will be a bar on board. As usual there will be the compilation CD's which are either a great sing-along or a load of old rubbish, depending on how old you are. I always tell people to make their own compilations if they don’t like what we have. No one has so everyone must love it!!
As usual we will be heading to the fans party, held in a club near Wembley. We will be heading back shortly after the game. To book your seat, send a cheque or postal order to the address below.Robert Taubman. 38 Abbeyfield Drive, Croxteth Park, Liverpool 12, L12 0JP.
Alternatively, to save the bother and the cost of postage, you can pay by Pay pal, sending it to the email address below. Please note that Paypal charge a commission of 20p plus 4%, which on £22.50 is £1. Anyone paying by Paypal therefore please send £23.50 per seat.If you are not on PAYPAL but you have a credit card, I can 'invoice' you by sending a PAYPAL bill to your email address, which you pay using your credit card. It's easy!! Email
My mobile number is 07961 975640

Sunday 4 January 2009

The next North West Englandfans meeting,

As you are aware I had to cancel the below meeting, due to the venue double booking the room, I was advised we could not have the room, I hope to organise another meeting over the next few months. Pete

The next meeting will take place on Thursday 15.01.2009, at The Waldorf Pub in Central Manchester, start time will be 19.30 Hrs.

Confirmed guests so far are Jamie Craig from Englandfans and Clare Last from Thompson Sport.
I am also waiting to hear from a couple of other guests, that they are able to attend.

If you have any questions please send they to me via the loop, or via a PM on the Englandfans website. You will of course still be able to ask questions on the evening.

If anyone still has any Belarusian Roubles please bring them along as I am still collecting them.
